- Edited
hello dapi,
thank you for the response :-)
First in the ruhavik application I deleted the device, I did tests before.
Then I created a new device with exactly the settings you wrote.
The ID is correctly configured to the device IMEI.
The tracker is configured as..
command server,<pw># –> SERVER,1,36373.flespi.gw,21546
1 means set with domain name
is in Tracking Mode with 30 minutes report interval of GPS data tracking, when standing still.
command mode –> MODE:1,60,1800
the url command delivers a valid position.
From time to time I can see the following in ruhavik.
Number of satellites:
First message time:
No info
Last message time:
No info
Last positional message time:
No info
Message storage:
Forecast days ttl:
Between it’s
When I moved the device, I got SMS via the phone
and saw the green Online State in ruhavik, but not more.
The time of this drop off and vibration event was 23.10.2020 CEST 19:41 UTC 17:41
edit 25.10.2020
Now the tracker is in its winter quarters, in sleeping MODE:2,09:00,12.
That means it wakes up twice a day 09:00 CET and 21:00 CET and sends some data as I can see in the telco provider data usage log.