IP and DNS server formats in the application
Hola, ya realice la configuración mencionada y no reporta mi equipo GPS a su plataforma. Ya solicite apoyo el fabricante en este caso Suntech y me ayudo a realizar una replica espejo de los reportes que le llegaban a su servidor, sin embargo, no reporto nada.
Modelo: St3940B - Suntech
ESN: 0380005484
ESN: 0380005483
Intente conectar a las siguientes Ip y puerto:
11758.flespi.gw 24853
10795.flespi.gw 32921 32921
Si es necesario, puedo ayudarles con pruebas al respecto.
- Edited
Try to point your device to the DNS and port:
Also you can try to use IP instead of DNS.
If the device does not start to connect, check the following:
1) device configuration by data sending interval
2) APN settings
3) Sim-card balance and traffic limits
Also, please note that IMEI is often used as an device ID. Try to use device IMEI in unit’s properties.
If this information did not help you, please describe the problem in more detail and more specifically.
Hello, Can you explane why ip gps-trace
but toolbox ?
also i have a problem to connect cargo lite
Bom dia, sempre uso ip nas configurações, porque não sei usar dns.
ip123456 193.193.165 24853. No caso dns seria assim?
dns123456 11758flespi.gw 24853
Hello, Milton ,
It all depends on the device you are using.
There is no difference in the use of DNS and IP, and you can continue to use the IP without any problems.
You can find the DNS address in Common unit settings. – https://help.gurtam.space/en/article/configuring-and-deleting-a-unit
hola, hace una mes mi gps dejo de funcionar y ahora estoy creando otra nueva unidad y en ninguna puedo cambiar el dns o ip. En ambos casos no puedo conectarme a la app, solo lo puedo hacer vía mensaje al numero del gps.
Hello, Fcw ,
Please write us to support@gps-trace.com indicating login, unit ID and device type that your are using. We will check your issue and try to help.
Also in the email, please specify the link to this topic, it will help us understand faster what the message is about.
What is the ip address command for vt08s?
Kindly, anyone who knows please help.. Thanks
Hello, PaulMunene ,
Please try to check the SMS command here by the link. – https://distracker.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/manualvt08s.pdf
As we checked it should look like: SERVER,1,IP-address, port,0#
Hello, PaulMunene,
We have already replied to you by email.