• Jan 4, 2024
  • Joined Nov 29, 2021
  • Hello? i have error messege in toolbox, some car lites green like online but not move on maps. And in ToolBox i see this errors. So what is it can be? and how can i solve it?

    {“error_text”:“message registration skipped: timestamp parameter invalid”,“event_code”:305,“id”:2392853,“ident”:“862430052136948”,“invalid_timestamp”:1830425541,“origin_id”:2392853,“origin_type”:11,“source”:“”,“timestamp”:1704195173.68498,“transport”:“tcp”}

    • kula replied to this.
    • unfortunly im no so big expert in turkey , so i start to waite then you comand make it 😃

      • kula replied to this.
      • Hello can it possible to add Turkish Language in Application for mobile? I’m Work before like instalator in Ukraine and use in russian Language But Now I live in turkey and want installation trackers in ruhavik here. But doesn’t have turkish. Did you plan add it or can i install some languige pack myself?

        • kuta replied to this.
        • hi all. pity what gprs command not work. its good and fust srvice for reboot device etc.
          so i have try with my cargo ligth cl2 but not sucess (
          manufacturer write instruction for gps coordinates (dog)info:gps(dog)
          but result - error execute command

          and without (dog) -error.
          wendor tell recomendation of send commasnd

          • "При настройке через GPRS посредством вашего сервера пароль не требуется, но
            требуется поддержка протокола “CarGo Data Protocol” и обрамление командного
            слова знаками(знак собаки), в начале и в конце."
          • rost replied to this.
          • Hello, Can you explane why ip gps-trace
            but toolbox ?
            also i have a problem to connect cargo lite

          • us problem - in some second power of battary minimum but after 10sec OK
            manufacture CargoLight

            How i understand now, its normal situation of recive crash data. But can program make filtering it before send alarm????

            • rost replied to this.
            • Добрый день где узнать описание переменных toolbox?
              Hi where i can read about toolbox variables ?
              i am aspetially interested in
              close_code : 0-12
              whats its mean?

              • rost replied to this.