shal I’m using the new, now, as you suggest.
Three device, same configuration on old orange, same tracker, three different migration on the new platform. Legacy, flespi, and 3th one didn’t work at all, and you know well as the support resolved that trouble and where my 3th tracker is still working…
Some orange’s function there isn’t on, yet.
I asked you (and other users did the same) since you started with, to not close the old orange, until you will recreate all function on
But you said you will close orange anyway, without complete the new … 🙁
I don’t understand why to trash a good working system (you said it’s working from 12 years, only with maintenance - 7 years passive maintenance only!!!) to start from null to recreate the same system again.
Just to remember you, you did the same with gps-trace 2.0 (as legacy on the new !!!)
And gps-trace 2.0 is KO now, while old orange works very well.
How many money you spent on gps-trace 2.0???
PS I don’t know who paid you, but my Human Resource Manager will put me away if I suggest to our customer to use a concorrency’s product 😉 or if I said to change air…
What do you do if all your users will change air???