Hi, I’ve configured a ST-901A device but the battery indication is way off. Someone has an idea why this is happening?
Support for SinoTrack
Dear Wisp,
Please write to us at support@gps-trace.com with the login, unit ID and link to this topic, then we will try to check additionally what data does your tracker send and try to help you.
Hello I have a question.I did my sinotrack St-901M gps tracker to add in gps server.net platform.For my first question,I want to know the imei number to put in that server is start with 300******* for 901M device?Only 10 digits numbers?And for my second question is how to setup my sinotrack with my country apn?I know the command for APN is start with 803**** APN but no reply to me.What may be the problem cannot setup APN in this device?If you have time,please reply to me about this issues:
Dear NyeinChanAung
This is forum for users of GPS-Trace solutions for GPS tracking: Forguard, Ruhavik and Petovik.
If you are not using our application you need to contact the tracker manufacturer or the developer of the application you are using directly for help.
In case you want to use our applications for monitoring your vehicle, you need to create an account in our system. Please note that our application is free when used to monitor a single vehicle. For more information on how to get started with our applications, please visit https://gps-trace.com/en/how-to-start
What about APN, you need to check the details for setting up the APN with the mobile provider of the SIM card used in the tracker. Depending on the provider, this can be just the APN or also the APN username and password.
EdijsAlksnis Hi, i have the same exact problem for a few weeks now. everything works accept in the app also always offline and no tracking data. exact like you discribe is my problem to… did you get a sollution?
Thanks in advance
Dear kristofvermeulen,
For help on the http://sinotrackpro.com/ platform, please contact the developer of this platform directly.
If you want to connect your SinoTrack device to our GPS-Trace platform, please check how to start guide. – https://gps-trace.com/en/how-to-start
If any additional questions, please contact us via email support@gps-trace.com or you can ask us there on the forum.
How to get in contact with Sinotract Support directly? I am sending e-mails to info@sinotrack.com but there is no any answer from their side.
We don’t have additional contact information for SinoTrack beyond info@sinotrack.com. However, you can use your device on our platform. To get started, please follow the instructions at https://gps-trace.com/ru/how-to-start.