Merged 2 posts from Email notification in-out geofence??? and Email notification.

We have no plans to implement email notifications in the near future.
Describe in more detail how you work with such notifications? Perhaps we could offer a better alternative.

Well I for one relied alot on geofence notification to email function as “surveillance” if my stuff gets moved, ie stolen.
I monitor ATV, Boat and PWC.
Geofence notification to email option is great to know if an tracked items gets moved without your self beeing around, ie stuff that I keep at my cottage for instance.

  • kuko replied to this.

    That would for sure work and be even better then mail !
    Do you have that available now ?

    • kuko replied to this.

      minigranis Yes, just install the application from the Google or Apple appmarket and try it.

      I cant login in the GPS-Trace app on android, trying with the same userid/pwd as I have in my web browser on PC that works fine…
      In the app I get Login error - Access denied.

      • kuko replied to this.

        Now I have :-) Is it the “eye” on the geofence that toggles the push messages on/off ?
        Will I get notified even if the app is not running ? (Ie after a phone restart if I dont start the app manually)

        • kuko replied to this.


          Will I get notified even if the app is not running ? (Ie after a phone restart if I dont start the app manually)

          Yes, push notifications work even if the application was not open

          Is it the “eye” on the geofence that toggles the push messages on/off ?

          “Eye” only works on displaying the geofence on the map. Notifications will keep coming.

            17 days later

            kuko I have the app installed in my android phone but I don´t receive any notification. I have already checked that the app has the notifications enabled but I still I don´t get any notification. If I log into the website I can see all the notifications, but none of them come thought push notification to the phone

            • ashe replied to this.

              el_bueno222 Try uninstalling the application and reinstalling it, possibly due to the latest updates, your installation got in the moment of reconfiguring our internal resources

                ashe App uninstalled and installed again but notifications still don’t come through. I can see all notifications in the web, but could the issue be related with my units being legacy?

                • ashe replied to this.

                  el_bueno222 Hello!
                  Do you see notifications in the notification tab in the application?
                  If this is the case and push-notifications are not suitable for you, then most likely it is connected with the settings in the your phone. Different phone models have different settings to enable or disable push-notifications.

                    ashe yes, I can see the notifications in the notification tab in the app, and as I mentioned before I already checked that notifications are enable for the app, but still they are not coming through push notifications. I work in IT, and I’m pretty sure the notification settings in my phone are fine.
                    Is anyone with legacy devices and an Android phone receiving push notifications?

                    • ashe replied to this.
                      a month later

                      Добрый день.
                      Как настроить уведомления о потери GPS, GSM сигнала?

                      • ashe replied to this.