• Features
  • Don't shutdown old orange.gps-trace.com!!!


For us is very important to have the possibility to export the devices track.

As Andrea says: “Don’t stop orange, before you’ll add export to new platform, please!”.



6 days later

I’ve found view settings!
Kuko, Chol!!! You are the best!!!!


kuko Boa tarde!!
Usava o Gps -Trace Orange mais agora ele não está funcionando com os comandos via sms. Só visualizo minha moto pelo site da Orange. Quero configurar meu rastreador mas não sei o modelo do meu rastreador…tem como eu descobrir de alguma forma? Usando o Orange mais atual? Eu só quero poder acompanhar o rastreio da minha moto. Estou aflita porque não consigo. Se vocÊ me der o passo a passo vou fazer.

  • chol replied to this.

    We are developing an export messages. Can you describe how you can apply exported files?

      chol My dear. I save all track I made with my device.
      I use the track in various mode. on google map, on other platform, on your platform: https://apps.wialon.com/#backupviewer

      I use txt data, kml, wlb and wln.
      I use less plt format.

      Well, you start to migrate old account to new platform. Today I cannot export data by one (as I wrote you I had 5 devices for my family registred with 5 different mail) of my device, also if I can see on map. If you save only last 10 days I cannot retreive the data from 1st november to 15 november as I made with orange. Please, don’t delete data since you will release the export function. Thanks.

      I hope you understand.

      chol Can you send a mail to comunicate the date of device migration? So I could export data saved to orange before migration? Now I export data from 1st to 15th of every month, then from 16th to last month day. For example: gps data from 1st november to 15th november will be export in one day between 16th and 30 novembre; gps data from 16th november to 30th november will be export in one day between 1st and 15th december. And so on every month. Could you plan the release of export message function to avoid data loss for Orange’s users?

      chol Please export raw data (kml, txt, wln, wlb), not only simply track data.

      • yapa replied to this.

        andrea Quest04: Something about “Share link”. Old gps-trace 1.0 (and 2.0) created a share link to access my position via web browser very fast. New gps-trace 3.0 limit this function to next 7 days only. So I had to recreate the link every 7 days… Why? (yes, you will say me: the old cannot delete the link. If so, it will be more usefull if you add new function to kill the link I created)

        Now you can create a link for sharing for one year.

        Please read:

          andrea Hi andrea. We are developing export for two formats: gpx and geojson. Which format should we choose next? What additional options are needed in the export files?

            Добрый день! Подскажите пожалуйста вчера трекер работал нормально с утра. Потом почему-то перестал показывать свое местоположение. Похоже нужно поменять настройки ( по СМС присылает координаты). Помогите мне исправить. Кроме всего я не помню на какой адрес регистрировал. ! Спасибо!!

              6 days later

              Как восстановить настройки трекера? GT-02A. После перехода на новый trace всё работало. Хочу добавить такой же трекер, только в списке трекера ТК110, больше нет, Его настройки подходят. Раньше был порт 20844, с ним работало, с предлагаемым 20774 нет. Что делать? Какой ещё трекер работает на порт 20844?

              I have an old type tk110 gps unit, to be active on the new orange gps I have to use what port, while in the tk110 catalog there is no one who can provide a solution?

              • chol replied to this.

                Try use generic Xexun device ( with 12 digits with first digit is 0 + 11 last IMEI digits:

                yapa andrea Hi andrea. We are developing export for two formats: gpx and geojson. Which format should we choose next? What additional options are needed in the export files?

                Hello Yapa! As I wrote before, I use txt, kml, wlb and wln file exported by old orange.
                If you could do the same format and info in file, I will be very happy. 😉
                Thank you so much!!!