Don't shutdown old!!!
Hello Yapa! As I wrote before, I use txt, kml, wlb and wln file exported by old orange.
If you could do the same format and info in file, I will be very happy.
Thank you so much!!!
kuko Now you can create a link for sharing for one year.
Please read:
Hello kuko!!!
Using the link created on old orange, I was able to see my device’s position on the map.
Extra info were displayed after clicking the device on the map.
With the new link I can only see the position on the map, with no possibility to see extra info (neither clicking the device on the map).
Could you add again the extra info? (At least the last time message received on that position)
Thank you so much!
thank you very much for your help the end of the tk110 gps unit can be active again, may god bless you for your help.
Hello Kuko,
my device used to work in the new beta version till I messed up the setting
I Have a Chinese TK103-2 device, it was originally set to port:20462 under legacy category
I changed the device to hardware TK103-2 and changed the port it didn’t work I receive “error_text : ”[chinese-generic.spvm:26:6, input 0088c8 11 000001] got more split items than expected""
Now I don’t remember the original setting in the legacy device and can’t get it to be working my device number is #281085
kuko Now you can create a link for sharing for one year.
Please read:
2nd trouble: I’m creating a link for my 3rd device you migrated. I receive this error:
“- #/configuration: additional properties are not allowed (got ‘phone’)”
I’m creating link since 02/12/2020.
How can I/you solve?
Hello kuko.
I note that on new platform:
When I see a track, I can see only info about start and stop the track, no extra intermediate info are available.
On old orange I saw info for every message sent from my device every xx seconds, and it was very usefull.
Could you restore that visualization on the new platform?
- Edited
andrea kuko Now you can create a link for sharing for one year.
Please read: trouble: I’m creating a link for my 3rd device you migrated. I receive this error:
“- #/configuration: additional properties are not allowed (got ‘phone’)”
I’m creating link since 02/12/2020.How can I/you solve?
Thank you @kuko . I note someone changed the tracker configuration from flespi to legacy and now create link worked.
Orange still survive!!!
andrea kuko Now you can create a link for sharing for one year.
Please read: kuko!!!
Using the link created on old orange, I was able to see my device’s position on the map.
Extra info were displayed after clicking the device on the map.With the new link I can only see the position on the map, with no possibility to see extra info (neither clicking the device on the map).
Could you add again the extra info? (At least the last time message received on that position)
Thank you so much!
@kuko no news about it?
will the route monitoring option be available again?
Здравствуйте. Английского не знаю ,думаю, что русский поймете.Мой вопрос такой- в старой версии я мог видеть общий пробег моего авто за весь период слежения, в новой версии я этого не нашел! Как мне теперь видеть общий пробег?Я езжу только в летний сезон и хотел бы знать, сколько наездил мой авто. Раньше это было в свойствах объекта, теперь я не знаю где? И еще нет выбора языка, что неудобно.
seller1961 Hello!
We are currently working on a total mileage.
You can see the mileage for the day, week and month in Dashboard in Ruhavik
There is a choice of languages, including Russian (upper right corner in the application on the map - User settings - Settings)
With the Orange version, I would get a text message if the car was leaving the geofence. How can that be fixed with the new version?
Beachbusje Hello!
In our application you can configure the receipt of push notifications (Unit menu - Settings - Notifications).
ashe Hello, That are push notifications, but no text messages?
Furthermore, I used the function in Orange a lot where I could see the trip of the past month or weeks or day. Will that be available soon? And last question: when will the iOS app be available without having to use it with TestFlight?
Beachbusje Hello!
Our new Ruhavik application has already appeared in the app store
If by text messages you mean SMS, then at the moment there is no such function in the application. All notifications that you receive as push notifications can be seen in the menu - Notifications.
In the Trips section near the dates there is a menu with three points where you can select the time interval you need.
ashe Hello, thank you. I don’t see the menu where I can see the time interval for the trip.
Another thing, I received 280 notifications that my trip ended. One every three minutes.