You asked - we did!

Over the past month, we have integrated two new hardware manufacturers and their devices.
You can now select Sinotrack and ThinkPower trackers in the Hardware category.

Do not forget that when you changing the type of device in a unit Common settings, you will need to reconfigure your device to a new server and port.
More info about unit Common settings by the link. –

If you have any questions, you can write to us at, we will be happy to answer.

rost stickied the discussion .


Could you please tell us more details? I am on your platform for 12 months with Synotrack ST-901. It was connected as Legacy/ST-901. Now I’ve switched to the new server and selected Hardware/Synotrack ST-901. What changes and where should appear?

You are doing the great job!

Thank you in advance,

  • rost replied to this.

    Hello, sdg ,

    Now you have the Setbox tool available.
    With Setbox you can send commands to your device.

    Also, unit connection logs are now available in the Toolbox.
    More info by the link. –

    From the visible changes, you will be able to see a more detailed status of the unit.
    In general, this change is aimed at expanding the possibilities of working with the tracker on the platform.

    17 days later

    Thank you! I use a ST-903. I use the non-legacy mode and I can get telemetry. Unfortunately, the most important values are not available: Battery voltage, GSM level and number of satellites. I vaguely remember that the Sinotrack server shows battery voltage but I don’t want to use this server.

    Anything you could do?

    I think it’s a pretty good asset tracker. I use it as a backup tracker in addition to a normal vehicle tracker.

    • rost replied to this.

      Hello, Trkr ,

      The telemetry parameters in the application completely depend on the data that your device sends in messages.
      Most likely, the messages from your device do not contain the parameters that you want to see. This can be checked in the unit’s Toolbox. –

      You can also write to us at with your login, unit id and device type, then we can check data from your tracker additionally.
      In the letter, include a link to this post on the forum.

      Hello, Trkr ,

      We rechecked your issue with developers and as we can see your device can’t send such data according to a communication protocol. This means that your device cannot send the data that you have specified.

      In this case, you need to contact the equipment manufacturer, and if they have declared such possibility for the device, then they need to explain how this is implemented.

      7 days later


      I also retested and my ST-903 is sending “Battery”, “Signal” and “Mode” to the SinotrackPro server. Please check my screenshot.

      Perhaps Sinotrack have two different protocols and you only support one so far. I hope you could reverse engineer the other one as well :-)

      I’m also trying to contact Sinotrack for specs, wish me luck.


      • rost replied to this.

        Hello, Trkr ,

        If the device sends this data, please ask for the protocol of this device, where this data will be described. We will gladly check the protocol and add the missing fields to our application.

        Thanks in advance!

        • Trkr replied to this.

          rost I tried getting documentation, no reaction. Chinese companies just don’t always understand English well. I’m an end user, my request does not have any weight to just about any Chinese company.

          I just gave your support-Email access to one of my ST-903 trackers which is online with GSM and GPS. I hope engineering can have another look. Battery voltage is very important for those trackers that are not connected to vehicle power.

          I certainly hope that there are no different protocols depending on the IP address hardcoded in the trackers!

          • rost replied to this.

            Hello, Trkr ,

            Thanks for the email!
            We will check the data from your tracker and answer you, please wait.

            I connected another Sinotrack (ST-901) to See screenshot.
            With 12V on, Io4 is 12481.
            With 12V off, Io4 is 12063. Unfortunately, none of the values goes down slowly (like a battery voltage would).

            Please filter wrong message “from future”. This message broken current position on map.
            This wrong message (current time + 3 hrs and position.valid - false in toolbox), sinotrack st-901m sends one time when power on. And next 3 hrs ruhavik show current position from this message, instread actual.

            • ashe replied to this.

              andyworx Hello!
              Thank you for reporting this issue. As far as we can see, you probably deleted the unit and created it again, so this message doesn’t exist at the moment.
              We will look into this issue and try to fix it.

              This packet st-901m send one time then power on, and st-900 model dont send this.

              • ashe replied to this.

                andyworx Hello!
                At the moment, the application displays just data that is the last one by the time of the message and they are not processed additionally.
                Thank you for letting us know about this issue, we will work on a solution to check the validity of the last location. This will take some time to fix. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

                For your part, you can additionally check the tracker settings. Perhaps there is an additional setting that leads to the sending of such a message?
                If you have additional information on this model of the tracker, for example, a protocol, then you can send it to us and perhaps we can add this model to the list.

                7 days later

                Hello query I have tried to upload the new ST901A + to Ruhavick but it does not upload it is the new 11-digit ID, can you help me?

                • ashe replied to this.

                  JorgeBotteri Hello!
                  Could you clarify if you have a problem with creating a unit or connecting a tracker to it?
                  If there is a problem with the connection, then please try using the ID in unit settings as 0 + tracker ID.
                  If the problem persists, please write to us about it in more detail at with your username, IMEI and tracker model.

                  10 days later
                  14 days later

                  I’ve been getting battery percentage on my ST-903 for several weeks now.

                  Awesome, thank you for the effort!

                  I had to delete and re-add them in Ruhavik.

                  I’m also using ST-901 and I don’t see the battery percentage yet.

                  Did you plan to implement battery percentage for all Sinotrack models?

                  Also, please consider adding the ST-903 explicitly. It works as an ST-904 but less guesswork is always better.