Anyone can tell me please, how to check the IMEI of GPS Device.
i have Sinotrack st-901M & st-901
if there is any command, then please help!!!!
In my country First IMEI has to be registered then the device start working.
so i cannot find any IMEI number on device or box.
So i am asking for help..!!!!
Sinotrack ST 901 Port 21855 Individual commands are missing
Hello, ICHSales ,
Try using the RCONF command for Sinotrack devices.
This command can show you the full device configuration. There you can find “Tracker identification number in format ID” most likely, this will be the IMEI.
By the way, with such questions, it’s better to contact the device manufacturer, they can give more full and competent information.
Many thanks to Ruhavik team! Block command work perfect on st-901m.
Please add feedback from tracker (vehicle.state bit) to app. Maybe turn block button in app to yellow color, then bit in vehicle.state is active? Thanks.
And maybe use 1 button triggering (lock-unlock) in app? Its more compact.
- Edited
Не могу попасть в setbox. Пишет - Select a device with settings. Sinotrek st901a+
Hello, Ramil2427 ,
This appears because there are no added commands for this type of tracker at the moment. We are planning to develop commands in the application. If the commands that you need are supported by your tracker according to its instruction you can write to us about them in more details and probably we could add them.
If you have a protocol with a description of commands for this device, provide it to us, then we can try to add commands to the application.
hi, I am using Sinotrack ST 901 device, I want to know about the geo-fence and i am using the geo-fence. now when I am enter in to the geo-fence, i need to stop my vehicle, like cut my engine. how to implement this type of GPRS command in to the?
Dear RakeshMoradiya
Our application has 2 options for sending commands to the tracker:
- via Setbox - https://gps-trace.com/en/help/ruhavik/unit-tools
- Through the Commands Panel - if you have a paid subscription - https://gps-trace.com/en/help/ruhavik/commands_panel.
To send a command in both cases, you need to know the exact command syntax. We recommend checking the command syntax directly with the tracker manufacturer, because it is he who will have the most complete competence on this issue.
The Forguard app, distributed through our partners, also includes ability to set up Actions for Events.
Now, you can set up automatic commands to be sent to your device (engine lock, door lock, and various other commands compatible with your GPS-tracker) when you enter or exit a Geofence.
Please write to us at support@gps-trace.com with the login, unit ID and link to this topic, we will try to help you.