Olá, gostaria de saber se houve alguma mudança nas configurações do concox crx3. Uso há bastante tempo e pararam de funcionar os três!!

  • ashe replied to this.

    ClenisAlves Hello!
    From our side, no changes were made with connecting with trackers. Could you clarify what do you mean the fact that they do not work? The appliaction is not receiving new data?
    Please look if there is a connection from the trackers in the unit menu - Tools - Toolbox - at the top is the section with logs.
    Please also check that everything is all right with the SIM cards or chips and that the data transfer limits are not exceeded.
    If the situation is not resolved, please indicate your username, as well as the IMEI trackers with which the problem occurred. You can write to us about the problem at support@gps-trace.com.