Tô com um GPS303-I novo nunca usado tento colocar o novo IP
adminip123456 21931
E aparece
Invalid command

Não muda de jeito nenhum, tbm já tentei assim
AdminIP123456 23825.flespi.gw 21931
Aparece a mesma mensagem
Invalid Command

Alguém sabe o que tá errado?

    AdhoniCarneiro Hello!
    If this command is fully consistent with the instructions of your tracker, then perhaps your tracker supports DNS, and not the IP server address.
    Now in the Ruhavik application, by default, in the unit settings (unit menu - Settings - Common Settings), the DNS server format is displayed, try installing it.
    For device Coban GPS303-I (Hardware):
    Server Host - 23825.flespi.gw
    Port - 21931

      AdhoniCarneiro Hello!
      If you tried both options, then there is probably a problem with the command or with the tracker. Server and port data are valid at the moment and there are no problems with them.
      Or maybe you changed the default password for the tracker commands from 123456 to something else?
      Please try to contact the seller or manufacturer of the tracker so that they can tell the command is right or not and whether there are problems with the tracker.

      a month later

      Estou com um problema parecido. O meu ao tentar mudar o ip ate responde adminip ok! porem ao consultar com a mensagem de check123456, aparece apenas a parte numerica do ip, a parte que contem flespi.gw fica com o numeral 0 e a porta tambem fica 0. Como se o coban nao aceitasse o ip em texto. Tambem usei essa mensagem e nao deu certo: adminip123456 21931. no ruhavik ele fica com a bolinha verde, porem nao manda coordenadas nem aparece mapa e o nome da rua. Ao mandar o check tem sinal normal de gps, poram nao aparece a localização, Obg

      ashe So serve o server host 23825.flespi.gw ou pode ser tambem com numeros? o coban nao ta aceitando o texto. obg

      • ashe replied to this.

        MMSATCAR Hello!
        DNS and IP format of the server address, which you see in the application are similar. Just part of the trackers works with one format, and part with another.
        To see the IP address, you can click on the IP next to the server value in the settings.
        For your tracker, this is
        Since you write that a green dot appeared in the application when you set it to, the tracker is probably connected to the application. You can check this in the unit menu - Tools - Toolbox - at the top is the section with logs.
        If a connection log appears there, then your tracker is connected and the problem is in something else (this log is not displayed for Legacy devices).
        Below there is the section with messages, please see if they come from your tracker.
        You can also write to us in support - support@gps-trace.com, indicating the username, IMEI and the model of the tracker with which you have a problem.

        a month later

        Eu usei o comando DNS123456 23825.flespi.gw 21931 e deu a msg dns success, e dando o comando check123456 aparece o dns cadastrado, mas na plataforma continua sem rastrear mesmo fazendo toda a configuração do zero

        • dapi replied to this.

          You can try to indicate IP server format instead of DNS format - to see it click the IP button next to the server value in the Unit menu – Settings – Common Settings.
          In case you need more information please send your request via support@gps-trace.com and mention your login, tracker IMEI and model.

          a month later

          Pessoal, descobri alguns detalhes sobre este caso:

          • O protocolo utilizado não é o gps103, mas sim o h02;
          • Devido a mudança de protocolo, a porta não é mais a 5001, mas sim 5013;
          • A instrução para mudar o ip é–> IP_xx.xx.xx.xx_5013; (Substituir o “underline” por espaços);
          • Antes utilizávamos o IMEI para registrar na plataforma, agora é o valor de uma etiqueta descrito ID;

          Finalizando, não encontrei uma maneira de obter este ID do aparelho via comandos SMS, ou seja, quem perder esta etiqueta, já era, e nem adianta tentar registrar pelo IMEI. Como eu tenho uma plataforma da Traccar em um VPS, pra mim fica fácil de identificar pois tenho acesso aos LOGs do servidor.

          Espero ter ajudado, e quem descobrir como obter o ID, avisa por aqui.

          • dapi replied to this.

            edunascimento Hello.
            Could you please specify how these recommendations are related to our platform and to which users question could be helpful? If you have issues connected to the work of our platform please describe it here and we will try to help.
            In case your comment is related to advertising some other services please note that our forum is intended for problem-solving of our users and if you keep doing it we will be obliged to block you. Thanks for understanding.

            2 months later

            EmersonDronesVdeosAreos Hello!
            If you have an online status displayed on the unit card, please check in the unit menu - Tools - Toolbox - logs at the top, whether the tracker is connected, and whether the data is transmitted.
            You can write about the problem specifying the login, as well as the IMEI (ID) of the tracker with which the problem occurred at support@gps-trace.com, so we can study out the situation in more detail.