ola meus dispositivos sao concox e minha operadora de telefonia esta bloqueando sms com Server,0,,32921,0# quero saber se tem o linhk para eu enviar para meu dispositvos tipo server,0,gps-trace.com,32921,0#?

  • ashe replied to this.

    Flavio Hello!
    At the moment, in the unit’s settings (unit menu - Settings - General settings) the server is displayed in a new format.
    Try it, maybe it will suit you.

    oque me apareceu foi 10795.flespi.gw eu coloco isso como ip e a porta usa 32921? exemplo Server,0,10795.flespi.gw,32921,0# ???

    • ashe replied to this.

      Flavio Hello!
      Yes, the DNS server format is currently displayed, in your case these is 10795.flespi.gw

        good morning, excuse me can you help me for a gps RUPTELA eco 4 light
        It does not connect me, Can you help me to check the IP and port number

        • ashe replied to this.

          GecemCCTVQueretaro Hello!
          When you create the unit you will have the necessary server and port or you can see them in the settings of the already created unit (unit menu - Settings - Common settings)
          For Device Category - Hardware, Device type - Ruptela FM-Eco4 light
          Server Host: IP format - or DNS format - 10665.flespi.gw, Port - 25721

            ashe good day . I already tried that data and it didn’t work for me. forget to comment that it is the ECO4LIGHT3G 3G model

            • ashe replied to this.

              GecemCCTVQueretaro Hello!
              Please try to identify your tracker on id.wialon.net as a model Ruptela FM-Eco4 light or Ruptela
              If it will be determined, take a screenshot, write down the model and id that will be determined. Then enter these id and model in the unit settings and after that set up the tracker again.
              If the tracker is detected on id.wiaon.net, but doesn’t work in our application after the above settings, please send us a screenshot, your account credentials, the data of your tracker by email - support@gps-trace.com