10 days later

Can you see if my device can be set right
IMEI 355227042430553

7 months later

Hello, I ask for help for my GT02 which stopped working on 17/8/2020, configured with this imei 087072705159, the full imei is 352887072705159.

Thank you.

Thanks for your reply. I have replaced my GPS tracker as the old one just did not work.

a month later

Need a fix for GT02A working on xexun … ID 027044619351…

  • dapi replied to this.

    Susilkumars Hello.
    Please describe your request in more details, enclose screenshots if possible.

    Hi Team,

    I am using ruhavik app and configured Gt02a tracker. During movement, getting data from tracker with correct timestamp but during idle getting different timestamp due to that tracker not showing route in map.

    Please check and do the needful.

    Tracker model : gt02a
    Imei/id : 355227044619351 / 027044619351

      4 days later

      Susilkumars How do you configure your gps? I have GT02A but no show position on map. GPS is conect to platform but no send position.

        BrianLuna configure your tracker to direct it to the IP address port 20488 and check in http://id.wialon.net/# website for your device imei/id (search the page for last 9 digits of imei which is printed in tracker label)…

        a year later

        Hello Team,

        i got same problem


        id;8170608961 imei: 357492069508958

        • rost replied to this.

          Hello, DmitriyRumyantsev ,

          As we checked your unit there was no problems with it.
          At this point, the device just stopped sending data to the system.

          In this case, first of all, check on the tracker side:
          1) SIM card balance and traffic limits on it
          2) Data sending intervals and tracker operation mode
          The tracker may have entered sleep mode or some settings have gone wrong.

          It is best to contact the device manufacturer or dealer for the tracker settings.
          Also, information on settings can be found in the instructions for the device.

          For information, we added Sinotrack devices to the Hardware category some time ago. Including ST-901.
          Now you can change the category and type of device in the Common settings of your unit. More functionality will become available to you.
          When changing the device type, be sure to configure the device for the new server and port.

          If you can’t find the problem, write us to support@gps-trace.com specifying login, unit ID and a screenshot of the device configuration, we’ll try to check it additionally.