RafaB Please add my TK110. My ID is 027044900579. I can’t make it work… It used to work justr great on the old platform.
chol RafaB Check the tracker and SIM card. The tracker normally closed the last connection and did not connect.
chol solutionplus https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/340-how-to-connect-trackers-of-types-gt06-gt06n-gt02-gt02a-tk110-and-etc
francocarrozza Hello, I ask for help for my GT02 which stopped working on 17/8/2020, configured with this imei 087072705159, the full imei is 352887072705159. Thank you.
TrevorDRozario Thanks for your reply. I have replaced my GPS tracker as the old one just did not work.
dapi Susilkumars Hello. Please describe your request in more details, enclose screenshots if possible.