chol GT02A

Final settingс are :
Server IP - Port - 32329
ID - 0+11 last digits of IMEI /027542154458/
Device Category - Hardware
Device Type - Resiont TK110

Command/SMS/ to GT02A - SERVER,password,0,,32329,0# / Tracker should send back SMS with reply - OK /
That is only you should to change like settings on tracker/GT02A/
All other settings should be done on-site!

    Set tracker timezone to UTC (0).
    Try to execute a command to send a position by timeout.

    Why to set timezone…Now the tracker show me right time…
    Now everything works fine…

    • chol replied to this.

      This is recommendation for problem trackers.

      3 months later

      not sure cause after migration or bug on my device, but it worked before

      Server IP - Port - 32329
      ID - 0+11 last digits of IMEI /027042854331/
      Device Category - Hardware
      Device Type - Resiont TK110

      it appear online but not displaying info, gps or location


      • ashe replied to this.

        xilense Hello!
        You can see if your tracker sends messages in the unit menu - Tools - Toolbox.
        In the message section you can see the messages, if they arrived. In the logs section, you can see if the tracker is connected and if it is disconnected, for what reason (you can simply click on the log)
        Perhaps you have not configured the frequency of data transfer (for some trackers, this must be done additionally via SMS). Or maybe your timezone is incorrectly configured. Please check that it is set to 0 (UTC)

          You are absolutelly right about settings for GT02A:

          Server IP - Port - 32329
          ID - 0+11 last digits of IMEI /027542154458/
          Device Category - Hardware
          Device Type - Resiont TK110

          ashe thanks for the answer!

          it says disconnected and connected repeatedly as shown on screenshot

          here is disconnected log
          [20/03/2020 01:42:16] 301: device disconnected (Current connection closed because of ident collision: device has opened another connection to the channel without closing first one. It may happen because of device firmware bug or by an unstable connectivity provider. In general, this happens to plenty of devices and usually can be ignored.)

          and “Messages not found” is this mean my device didn’t send any data?
          but GSM and GPS light are normal

          • ashe replied to this.

            xilense Hello!
            Please try to set the interval for sending data via SMS or to reset the tracker and to configure it again.

              7 days later

              ashe already set interval, and re-config, but seems not working yet
              maybe there are problem on firmware or hardware.

              anyway, thanks for the support!

              5 days later

              Morskia добрый день,у меня GT02A , (ввёл IPпорт 32329) (ID ввёл имей как на устройстве 15 цифр) (категория Hardware) (тип трекера Resiont TK110) не работает,я вводил и GT02A Concox и лигаси, помогите пожалуйста настроить,не получается никак.

              • ashe replied to this.

                please help me, i have gt02a and i want SMS command for cut oil engine

                • ashe replied to this.

                  habibikabib Hello!
                  Please specify, do you want this command to be sent from the application, or do you want to know the command text directly?

                  a month later

                  I made it.
                  I choose Hardware and Xenun.
                  Voila, it is working.

                  9 months later

                  Hi I’m a new user. Please can anyone help I have just installed a GT02A in my car. I can send an sms to get location but I can’t track it live in the Dyegoo app, it says “ Acc:off : status inactivated”. The SIM card has data on it ok. Any help will be fantastic as I’m totally stumped. Thanks.

                  I have now tried to setup the GT02A in the Trace App. I have sent the Server host and port to the device and got the ok msg back but it’s not showing up in the app. Any help would be very much appreciated as I have spent many hours trying but with no success. TIA

                  • ashe replied to this.

                    GrantWiddowson Hello!
                    Please try to use all possible settings listed here

                    If it doesn’t help then please try to identify your tracker on as one of the devices Xexun, Coban, Concox
                    If your tracker is determined, take a screenshot, write down the name of the model of the tracker and the identified ID (may coincide with the IMEI, may be part of it with zero or without).
                    After that, return to the application in the unit settings (unit menu - Settings - Common Settings), specify the determined model and ID. After that, configure the tracker on the defined server and port.
                    Regarding the server, you can also read more information here

                    Also, please check that everything is fine with the SIM card or chip that you use with the tracker, that it has enough funds and that the data transfer limits are not exceeded. Also, please make sure that you have configured the APN on the tracker in accordance with the provider data.