Hello, I just bought a tracker, when I try to to chanfe gps mode to stand by (app android) I have the message that the device is offiline. TK905 appeaes not enabled, even if I call it and I receive an sms. Also, I can see the tacker position on the map, both android app and website. What can I do ? thank you.

  • kula replied to this.

    Dear AlPac,

    Try to check the tracker mode. Perhaps the device goes into sleep mode.

    For TK905, you can try sending an SMS command that disables sleep mode:
    sleep123456 off
    Here you can find user manual for TK905 and SMS commands https://gps-trace.com/en/devices/tk-star-tk905#instructions

    If that doesn’t help, please write to us to support@gps-trace.com and send us the login, unit ID and screenshots of the device configuration (SMS commands and device responses), we’ll try to check it additionally.

    Hello, thank you for your answer, still not working even with sleep off.

    Why you do not have a complete guide for this tracker, I mean we do not understand nothing about how it works, I just get a small piece of paper in the box, nothing explains, on the website I saw some of buyers triyng to give some indications, full of cod, sms and many people wondering how it works… Why don’t you write a complete guide, how to start, how to track a car, I do not even understand (read) how to track a car, what I have to do.
    You ask me the screen shot of device configuration, where do I find this, on the app ? Device info ? Issue command ? btu there is no informations there about sms comands and device responses.

    Thank you

    • kula replied to this.

      Dear AlPac,

      You can find the user manual for your device using the link we sent in the previous answer.

      • You can also find information on how to start using our application on our website https://gps-trace.com/en/how-to-start

      • Also on the website you can see the Help center - a full description of the functions of our application https://gps-trace.com/en/help
        You can go to the Help center directly from the app by clicking on the About button –> Help center

      • We also write useful articles in our blog, you can find a lot of information here not only about the application, but also about functions, trackers, manufacturers, etc. https://gps-trace.com/en/blog
        Data transmission trackers should be used with a SIM card or a chip.
        The tracker is usually configured using SMS commands specified in the tracker guide. Most often, the guide to configuring the tracker is provided with the device.
        The commands are sent to the number of the SIM card used with the tracker.
        Most often, after sending a command, the tracker also sends an SMS response. We wrote about screenshots of these commands and the device’s responses to them in the previous answer.

      If that doesn’t help, please write to us to support@gps-trace.com and send us the login, unit ID, we’ll try to check it additionally and help