- Edited
From old forum post, continue here:
You pinned that old post:
I renew that request: “Don’t shutdown old orange.gps-trace.com!!!”
You have the best tracking platform on the web.
Many users don’t understand why you want to change it.
So, well done with the new platform, but “Don’t shutdown old orange.gps-trace.com!!!”
@pach: remember you reply -> https://forum.gps-tr…ge-2#entry43042
Well POZA. Are you ready? Follow some queston to you!
Quest01: What is the url to login with the old gps-trace 1.0 credential to new gps-trace.com?
(You said that you migrate the old account on the nerw 3.0 platform).
At this url
seems I could use either “Username or email” to login. But username didn’t work.
(PS I don’t want to migrate my account to the new 3.0 platform until the new platform will be really usefull as the old gps-trace 1.0)
Quest02: Old gps-trace 1.0 saved data for last 30 days. New gps-trace 3.0 saved data only for 10 days. Why?
Quest03: Old gps-trace 1.0 exported my data in 5 different data format (plt, txt. kml. vnl, vlb) so I could create my own archieve.
New gps-trace 3.0 didn’t export data at all. Why?
Quest04: Something about “Share link”. Old gps-trace 1.0 (and 2.0) created a share link to access my position via web browser very fast. New gps-trace 3.0 limit this function to next 7 days only. So I had to recreate the link every 7 days… Why? (yes, you will say me: the old cannot delete the link. If so, it will be more usefull if you add new function to kill the link I created)
Quest05: Notifications: I don’t understand how to create a notification. With gps-trace 1.0 it was very simply and usefull create notification to my mail (or different mail) address.
Quest06: track analysis: on gps-trace 1.0 track could be coloured by speed for example for a best analisys. On gps-trace 3.0 I don’t understand how to colour my track.
Quest08: gps-trace 1.0 can send command to tracker via web platform. gps-trace 2.0 and 3.0 lost this very usefull function. Why?
Only one note. The 8 listed points was written as questions. To have a best reading you have to intend as suggestion to add that functions to the new platform. Thanks.
Obviously, that suggestions are for Kuko, or someone else system administrator, engeneering, programmer, ecc.