• Features
  • Don't shutdown old orange.gps-trace.com!!!

From old forum post, continue here:


You pinned that old post:

I renew that request: “Don’t shutdown old orange.gps-trace.com!!!”

You have the best tracking platform on the web.
Many users don’t understand why you want to change it.

So, well done with the new platform, but “Don’t shutdown old orange.gps-trace.com!!!”

@pach: remember you reply -> https://forum.gps-tr…ge-2#entry43042


Well POZA. Are you ready? Follow some queston to you!

Quest01: What is the url to login with the old gps-trace 1.0 credential to new gps-trace.com?

(You said that you migrate the old account on the nerw 3.0 platform).

At this url


seems I could use either “Username or email” to login. But username didn’t work.


(PS I don’t want to migrate my account to the new 3.0 platform until the new platform will be really usefull as the old gps-trace 1.0)

Quest02: Old gps-trace 1.0 saved data for last 30 days. New gps-trace 3.0 saved data only for 10 days. Why?

Quest03: Old gps-trace 1.0 exported my data in 5 different data format (plt, txt. kml. vnl, vlb) so I could create my own archieve.

New gps-trace 3.0 didn’t export data at all. Why?

Quest04: Something about “Share link”. Old gps-trace 1.0 (and 2.0) created a share link to access my position via web browser very fast. New gps-trace 3.0 limit this function to next 7 days only. So I had to recreate the link every 7 days… Why? (yes, you will say me: the old cannot delete the link. If so, it will be more usefull if you add new function to kill the link I created)

Quest05: Notifications: I don’t understand how to create a notification. With gps-trace 1.0 it was very simply and usefull create notification to my mail (or different mail) address.

Quest06: track analysis: on gps-trace 1.0 track could be coloured by speed for example for a best analisys. On gps-trace 3.0 I don’t understand how to colour my track.

Quest08: gps-trace 1.0 can send command to tracker via web platform. gps-trace 2.0 and 3.0 lost this very usefull function. Why?

Only one note. The 8 listed points was written as questions. To have a best reading you have to intend as suggestion to add that functions to the new platform. Thanks.

Obviously, that suggestions are for Kuko, or someone else system administrator, engeneering, programmer, ecc.

    Ok, i’l try to explain

    Quest01: What is the url to login with the old gps-trace 1.0 credential to new gps-trace.com?

    We use a common authorization form for accounts that have been migrated to the new platform. If you have a troubles please contact us to support@gps-trace.com.
    Also, we plan to open auth by Google and Facebook after some tests.

    Quest02: Old gps-trace 1.0 saved data for last 30 days. New gps-trace 3.0 saved data only for 10 days. Why?

    We store 10 days of raw messages. Trips and events stored 30 days as before. But it’s calculated data and works a really fast. Trips are built literally instantly.

    Quest03: Old gps-trace 1.0 exported my data in 5 different data format (plt, txt. kml. vnl, vlb) so I could create my own archieve.

    Currently, less than 0.2% of users use exports. Some export mechanism we will add a bit later.

    Quest04: Something about “Share link”. Old gps-trace 1.0 (and 2.0) created a share link to access my position via web browser very fast. New gps-trace 3.0 limit this function to next 7 days only. So I had to recreate the link every 7 days… Why? (yes, you will say me: the old cannot delete the link. If so, it will be more usefull if you add new function to kill the link I created)

    Cause the most of users don’t use unlimited share links. Can you provide some usecase?

    Quest05: Notifications: I don’t understand how to create a notification. With gps-trace 1.0 it was very simply and usefull create notification to my mail (or different mail) address.

    Now you do not need to create notifications. You can simply enable or disable them.
    Yes, we turned off sending by email. But significantly improve the work with them in the application. And we continue to refactor this. Plus we made it possible to send push notifications to your phone.
    Read more in our Quick Guide

    Quest06: track analysis: on gps-trace 1.0 track could be coloured by speed for example for a best analisys. On gps-trace 3.0 I don’t understand how to colour my track.

    Yes, it’s true. We will return to this later.

    Quest08: gps-trace 1.0 can send command to tracker via web platform. gps-trace 2.0 and 3.0 lost this very usefull function. Why?

    We are now in the process of implementing the commands.

      boa tarde amigo, não consigo achar o tipo de dispositivo na plataforma nova ( Rilla G19 ) gostaria de saber qual seria outro que substitui o mesmo dispositivo, obrigado

      • kuko replied to this.

        Will the records that were created in the old version be able to enter the new app normally?

        What to you mean under word "records"?

        I have Problems to find my “old” GPS devices (TZ-AVL05 and TZ-AVL05 G3) in the new App.

        The migration from the old orange System was perfect but I cannot in stall new the above GPS devices.

        Thanks a lot for any ideas?

        1. Is it possible to add STOPS (under 5 minutes) and PARKINGS (over 5 minutes) in trips - tracking history?
        2. Is it possible to show date and time of every track point in trips - tracking history?
          Those were very useful features in GPS Trace 2.0 that’s missing from trace 1.0 and 3.0.
          Thank you.

        Good day!

        How can I see the parameters was in old gpstrace by Wialon IPS?

        • chol replied to this.

          Yes, we REALLY REALLY LOVE using orange.gps-trace.com with all of its features.
          Please, don’t shutdown orange GPS.
          We beg you so!

          I have Problems too, to find my “old” GPS devices (GT02D or TK110 ) in the new App.
          can i use my login name (my old account in orange) direct to the new version? i have to try but cann’t.
          can u help?

          • chol replied to this.

            Yes, I used it, But There are no gps time, it’s really unusable.
            Now I need only move mouse to the icon of the unit and see all that I need, I can see it in the table of messages!

            Please don’t close old gps-trace until the new would be like old.

              Is it possible to add 2-3 configurable parameters to notifications like speed? So user can configurate it myself. For example to control voltage of the accum.


              How can I see the parameters was in old gpstrace by Wialon IPS?

              We plan to add quick view of params. Perhaps even customizable.

              Is it possible to add 2-3 configurable parameters to notifications like speed? So user can configurate it myself. For example to control voltage of the accum.

              We didn’t think in this direction. Maybe later.

              I enter the account where the login and password are registered in the address bar. it is very convenient

              • pach replied to this.

                repik I assume this method is very insecure. The so called core/login method you are referring to was discontinued due to security reasons way back in 2015.

                kuko k, i’l try to explain

                Quest01: What is the url to login with the old gps-trace 1.0 credential to new gps-trace.com?

                We use a common authorization form for accounts that have been migrated to the new platform. If you have a troubles please contact us to [support@gps-trace.com](mailto:support@gps-trace.com).
                Also, we plan to open auth by Google and Facebook after some tests.

                Quest02: Old gps-trace 1.0 saved data for last 30 days. New gps-trace 3.0 saved data only for 10 days. Why?

                We store 10 days of raw messages. Trips and events stored 30 days as before. But it’s calculated data and works a really fast. Trips are built literally instantly.

                Quest03: Old gps-trace 1.0 exported my data in 5 different data format (plt, txt. kml. vnl, vlb) so I could create my own archieve.

                Currently, less than 0.2% of users use exports. Some export mechanism we will add a bit later.

                I’m one (five different account, better) of this 0,2% that use export since 2011!
                Don’t stop orange, before you’ll add export to new platform, please!

                Quest04: Something about “Share link”. Old gps-trace 1.0 (and 2.0) created a share link to access my position via web browser very fast. New gps-trace 3.0 limit this function to next 7 days only. So I had to recreate the link every 7 days… Why? (yes, you will say me: the old cannot delete the link. If so, it will be more usefull if you add new function to kill the link I created)

                Cause the most of users don’t use unlimited share links. Can you provide some usecase?

                I use “Share link” to verify very very fast where is my device using browser, without access to app or site (need more time).
                I put the link in my browser on the phone, then with only one click I see my device on map.
                If you permit only limited time link, I have to generate and update link into browser very 7 days… what beep!!!

                Quest05: Notifications: I don’t understand how to create a notification. With gps-trace 1.0 it was very simply and usefull create notification to my mail (or different mail) address.

                Now you do not need to create notifications. You can simply enable or disable them.
                Yes, we turned off sending by email. But significantly improve the work with them in the application. And we continue to refactor this. Plus we made it possible to send push notifications to your phone.
                Read more in our Quick Guide

                Notification to mail are very userfull. Push notifications on app (on phone) will limit you to only one device notification!

                Quest06: track analysis: on gps-trace 1.0 track could be coloured by speed for example for a best analisys. On gps-trace 3.0 I don’t understand how to colour my track.

                Yes, it’s true. We will return to this later.

                Ok for later.

                Quest08: gps-trace 1.0 can send command to tracker via web platform. gps-trace 2.0 and 3.0 lost this very usefull function. Why?

                We are now in the process of implementing the commands.

                Well done!

                PS I’m very happy you pinned my post on your comunication (https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/21-orange-the-end-is-comming-december-2019). Thanks!

                More. You have a very very good platform: orange.
                It has all function you created during last year.
                Why do you want to lost them?
                Why do you want to close entire platform??
                What are tecnical iussue to close it???

                Commonly, when you make a change, you make an improve, you “add” something to your system.
                With gps-trace 3.0 you are making a less useful platform. Why?