gps-trace does not have a notification for someone to move the shock vehicle?

I purchased the paid version but there is no notification if someone moves the vehicle, sleep123456 shock

    jonas556440 Maybe the “Security” option can help you, you just click it and Ruhavik will create a geofence where the car is parked and it will notify you if the car goes outside of the geofence…you will however need to configure your tracker to report if the vehicle moves without “ignition on”…let say if the car is towed.

    • rost replied to this.

      Hello, jonas556440 ,

      There are no notifications in the application for all parameters from the device. For some devices, the options for such notifications are integrated, but not for all. This option can only work on the alarm.event and vibration.alarm parameters.

      As the jcvillalobos said, try using “Security” option, maybe it will help in your case.

      However, soon the application will be able to receive notifications for any parameter from the device.
      We are already working on this and will soon be able to do so. Presumably in the next two updates, we are talking about 2-3 weeks in time.

        thanks guys, rost about this alert “vibration.alarm parameters” how can I use it on the platform?

        • rost replied to this.

          Hello, jonas556440 ,

          If your device sends this option in messages, you can enable alert notifications in the unit’s Notification Settings.
          Thus, as soon as this parameter comes from your device, you will receive notifications in the application.