I currently have some FMC130 equipment installed on heavy machinery to control operating hours.
Is there a way for “engine.ignition.on.duration” to be displayed in hours and not seconds?
fmc130 hour counter in seconds
Dear BorisSepulveda
Our application has the ability to display any parameter that the tracker sends to our system.
The only thing is that it is displayed exactly in the form it comes into our system.
In this case, may be it is possible that on the tracker side to decide how the “engine.ignition.on.duration” parameter will be sent into our system (in what units it will be counted).
As far as we know, some Teltonika trackers allow you to configure it in such a way that the tracker itself converts the parameter and sends it to our system in the required units of measurement.
To clarify this issue, you better contact the Teltonika manufacturer directly; they usually respond promptly to user requests.
okay. thank you