What is the recommended version of the Teltonika Configurator for the Teltonika FMB140 GPS tracker? I have attempted to download all available versions of the Teltonika Configurator from the following link https://wiki-teltonika–gps-com.translate.goog/view/Teltonika_Configurator_versions?x_tr_sl=en&x_tr_tl=id&x_tr_hl=id&x_tr_pto=tc#For_FMB140, but without success. Could you please assist me with this?
How to connect the Teltonika FMB140 to Teltonika Configuration
FMB140 with firmware 03.25.11 Rev:144
Dear ArwinWijaya
For questions about setting up Teltonika trackers, we recommend contacting the manufacturer directly, because These trackers have a large number of configuration nuances.
You can ask for help at https://teltonika-networks.com/support/product-support
If you are unable to resolve your issue, please write to us at support@gps-trace.com with the login, unit ID, describe your issue in more detail and link to this topic, then we will try to check additionally and help you.