Hello, my device 864180033033148 stay in a hold position with wrong date and time. When i delete the device and add again work fine, but, some hous after this problem return. Help me pls.
Wrong date and time / Hold Position and Speed
As we checked your unit sends data with wrong timestamp.
It turns out that messages come from the future.
You can check these messages, in the unit’s Toolbox tool.
In this case, try to set up 0 timezone(UTC +0) in the device’s configuration. It can help.
By the way, in this case, it’s better to contact the device manufacturer or dealer.
You will most likely need to reconfigure or update the device firmware in order for the correct data to be sent.
Alguém chegou alguma solução?
Hello, EvandersonPimentel ,
Let’s try to deal with this problem.
If the problem is related to the timezone and it does not resolve after setting the timezone, then please write to us at support@gps-trace.com indicating your username and ID (IMEI) of the tracker with which the problem occurred, as well as its manufacturer and model of the tracker.