
I have successfully connected a Teltonika FMM130 to the server 11249.flespi.gw Port: 20856. So far the system works.

I use the digital outputs for the auxiliary heating and alarm system. Switching is often immediate, sometimes it takes a long time and “Pending” is reported in the Setbox.

Which sometimes takes a long time.
I ask for support, whether this is due to a configuration error and thank you for your support.

With best regards

  • ashe replied to this.

    aopree Hello!
    Could you write to us at support@gps-trace.com indicating the login and IMEI of the tracker with which the problem occurred? This way we can study out the data in more detail.
    You can make a link in the email to the forum for describing the problem.

    With regards,

    The error was the timeout from the socket.
    Simply increase the value and the connection is stable.

    • rost replied to this.

      Hello, aopree ,

      Did we understand correctly that you solved the problem?
      If you have any questions, please write to us.