I bought 2 Devices Xexun 102-2 a long time ago and started using 1 of them years ago.
This is currently still working, but is listed actually as a “no longer supported device”.
The IP is with port 20668.

When trying to integrate the second Xexun 102-2, neither IP nor port can be selected. with port 26731 is automatically specified.
With these values ​​I can’t get a replay (I tried both options for imei: the complete imei and 0 + 11 digits).

At the website id.wialon.net, port 20668 is specified for the tracker. I wondered because by trying to integrate is using 26731 by Ruhavik-App.

I don’t get a replay in either case.

Please let me know how I can use my old Xexun 102-2.
Obviously, I can no longer specify the IP and port myself, but are determined automatically by the selected device…

wolframkluge Hello!
Please try to identify your tracker on id.wialon.net as Xexun TK102-2
If your tracker is determined, take a screenshot, write down the name of the model of the tracker and the identified ID (may coincide with the IMEI, may be part of it with zero or without).
After that, return to the application in the unit settings (unit menu - Settings - Common Settings), specify the determined model and ID. After that, configure the tracker on the defined server and port.
Regarding the server, you can also read more information here https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/586-ip-and-dns-server-formats-in-the-application

on id.wialon.net the tracker is not determined, neither with port 20668 nor 26731.
The old device is working fine with IP with port 20668…

which Port for testing tracker I have to use? Which is the right one? The 20668 or 26731?

can everybody giv me the information, which port ist the right for my tracker for testing at wiatlon:

  • Xexun TK102-2
  • port 76731 (ruhavik)
  • port 20668
  • ashe replied to this.

    wolframkluge Hello!
    When you try to identify the Xexun TK102-2 device on id.wialon.net you configure the tracker to:
    server -
    port - 20668

    If the tracker is not detected and you are sure of its model and manufacturer, that is, it is not a copy, then also please check that you have correctly configured the APN on the tracker, and that everything is fine with the SIM card or chip that you use with the tracker, that there are enough funds and that the data transfer limits are not exceeded.

    6 days later

    wolframkluge Hello!
    Please try to configure your device for debugging on server and port 30771.
    Please write when you do this. We will try to see if your device is connected or not.

    4 months later

    Hello. I have some problem with my Xexun TK102. I tried different ports but tracker was not determined at id.wialon.net. Another sevice (gpshome ru) is working with my tracker as “Xexun TK102”. Can you help me?
    imei ****27023636327
    settings 20157

    • rost replied to this.

      Hello, kex29 ,

      In this case, it is important to understand that each separate unit can have its own separate server address and port.
      The server address and port can be found in the Common settings of your unit.
      For more information, see the link. – https://help.gurtam.space/en/article/configuring-and-deleting-a-unit

      As we checked the specified ID, we see that you are using the wrong server address and port.
      Therefore, reconfigure your device to the correct server and port specified in the unit Common settings.

      Also keep in mind that for Xexun devices, the ID may differ from its.
      Please, look at the information on the link, maybe it will help you. – https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/340-how-to-connect-trackers-of-types-gt06-gt06n-gt02-gt02a-tk110-and-etc

      If you have any problems, write to us at support@gps-trace.com with a link to this post on the forum, then we can check additionally.

      Settings changed 20157

      • ashe replied to this.

        kex29 Hello!
        Do you try to identify the tracker on id.wialon.net, is it right?
        Make sure everything is correct. Before determining, request the current settings from the tracker, if possible, and check the correct server and port, as well as the correct APN settings.
        Trackers that transmit data in real time are detected, please check that the tracker is configured to transmit data.
        If the tracker is still not detected, please write to us about problem at support@gps-trace.com indicating tracker IMEI.