petrhoralek Hello.
We have added the mentioned device to the list of our trackers (you should choose in the units settings Device Category - Legacy). Could you please clarify whether you bought your tracker in the company with the attched link or you are working in the company that sells this model?

Hi, I bought the car in which is that type od GPS tracker already instelled.

Dear Dapi, I am quite lost from the server settings: in gps tracker is communication protocol :

  1. Packet - plane
  2. Ciphered
  3. Stream

    Access granted to server: YES or NO

What should I select?
Thank you for your reply

  • dapi replied to this.

    petrhoralek Hello.
    Unfortunately we cannot provide support in configuring devices since all the trackers have different settings and we do not have specialists in this area. We can help you with the application settings, trackers type definition, but not its configuration.
    Given that, please see the instruction for your tracker.

    Dear Dapi, coud you be so kind and confirm me if the data from GC077 is coming to the server? I have uploaded configuration which should support your server communication protocol. Thx Petr

    • dapi replied to this.

      petrhoralek Hello.
      To check the information your tracker is sending please choose Unit menu – Tools – Toolbox where below you can see a section with messages from your tracker if it sends them. For more information please send your request via and mention your login and tracker IMEI.