hi i want to add benway et300 but cant find in tht ist. wihch port and ip , how to add as free on gps-trace.com. pls assist.

Hello. We have added Benway ET300 to the list of the supprted devices.
In the Units Settings you should select:
Device Category - Legacy
Device Type - Benway ET300

4 days later

thanks for the reply, however i tried adding by sending command #6666#ip# and it replied ok too. but after that device started acting abnormally with its gsm indicator. its not working and when i changed command for another server (website) its gsm indicator working normally as per manual.please advise . my email: yusuf.mulla20@gmail.com

  • dapi replied to this.

    Please request your tracker settings and make sure it is configured on the right server and port.
    Also try to identify your tracker on id.wialon.net as one of the Benway ET300. If your tracker is determined, take a screenshot, write down the name of the model of the tracker and the identified ID (may coincide with the IMEI, may be part of it with zero or no)
    After that, return to the application in the unit settings (unit menu - Settings - Common Settings), specify the determined model and ID. After that, configure the tracker on the defined server and port.

    I tried all ways. it displays on id.wailon.net with its ip , but disappears on and gsm net too.
    what i noticed is when i send command for id.wailon.net that is ip and port 21988 respectively , its gsm functions normal but on goes off. something issue.

    • dapi replied to this.

      yusuf Send us please a screenshot with the information about your tracker being displayed on id.wailon.net

      Did u receive the screen shot link above ? for et300

      • dapi replied to this.

        Configure your tracker on the unit’s service and port in the application once again, now it should work. Please write us back about the results.

        Yes 😊✌️it’s working. Thank you so much …for ur kind support

        • dapi replied to this.
          2 years later

          How can I change the communication protocol to UDP? I have my own server with a program that receives data in the UDP protocol. If someone has an official manual with all the commands, please send me an email to net.gonzales@gmail.com