Hello there,
first, thanks a lot for the great job you’re doing with your tracking app 🙂
Everything seems to works fine with the device I’ve registered (ID 869244040960043, it’s a Xexun TK102-2), until around 4am…
Twice so far my tracker has lost signal during the night, and never retrieved it before I turn it off and on again, even though it still responded well to SMS commands.
The timestamps seem to mess, I don’t know if this is the cause or consequence of the signal loss (see the message log from the Toolbox below, the last 5 messages each time the problem occured - last message in bold is actually red in the Toolbox).
Would be very glad if you could help !
timestamp server.timestamp battery.voltage
24/05/2020 04:25:43 24/05/2020 04:25:48 3.61
24/05/2020 04:25:48 24/05/2020 04:25:53 3.61
24/05/2020 04:25:53 24/05/2020 04:25:57 3.61
24/05/2020 04:25:58 24/05/2020 04:26:03 3.59
24/05/2020 04:26:12 31/05/2020 10:49:31 3.969999
timestamp server.timestamp battery.voltage
01/06/2020 04:11:39 01/06/2020 04:11:42 3.61
01/06/2020 04:11:44 01/06/2020 04:11:47 3.61
01/06/2020 04:11:49 01/06/2020 04:11:52 3.61
01/06/2020 04:11:55 01/06/2020 04:11:58 3.61
01/06/2020 04:12:09 02/06/2020 13:08:45 3.61