I have one device Coban TK-06B ,is logged on the platform in Legacy as G-MT005. It works great, but it has one flaw in the speed of movement of the vehicle showing the wrong, minus half.Instead of 50Kmh, he’s showing 25. Can someone fix the problem?

  • ashe replied to this.

    stilo Hello!
    You can try resetting the tracker and setting it up again. Perhaps this will somehow help.
    You can also send us a description of the problem, your username and ID (IMEI) of the tracker by email - support@gps-trace.com, so that we can see the data that comes from your tracker

    a year later

    i have same problem

    • rost replied to this.

      Hello again, AAls πŸ™‚

      We answered you by email, please check.
      When we find a solution to this problem, we will together write a solution here for the rest of the users.