general-unrest Asf today I cannot view the map using Bing Hybrid format. Is there an issue at the server, or is there an issue with my set up please? Thanks and stay safe and sound as best you can everyone!
ashe general-unrest Hello! Right now we do not see a problem on our side. Could you send us a screenshot showing the problem?
maninho ashe Boa noite. Desde o ultimo dia 02/04 que o mapa por satelite (Bing Hybrid) nao abre. Como fazer pra reestabelecer essa opção de mapa?
ashe maninho Hello! You can change the map in the User settings - Settings. Could you please send a screenshot, since the maps open on our devices? You can send them to us by email
general-unrest Hi Ashe, thanks for the reply. Maps are set to Bing Hybrid in this view, I tried setting back to another setting and back again, no change. Browser is Firefox. OS Win 7 64 bit pro See
general-unrest Bing Hybrid have now returned, a refresh of Firefox again, a minute or so ago has Bing Hybrid now showing fine, not sure why, if you wonderful GPS-TRACE people have done something I thank you very much! 😉 Stay safe, careful and well everyone!
ashe renatocil general-unrest Hello! We apologize for any inconvenience. Bing Hybrid Maps should be displayed at this time. We are always happy to help.
renatocil Sim, agora voltou a funcionar, sem eu fazer nada, obrigado pela agilidade da equipe GPS-TRACE.