ashe Larson Hello! Have you changed anything in the settings? If not, then try resetting the tracker and reinstalling them, maybe this will help, you can immediately try to configure it on the device.
Larson I made a reset and send begin123456 and all commands on port log. i send it now original port and ip adminip123456 32329
ashe Larson Hello! Perhaps your tracker cannot determine the gps position, so the data is not complete. Try to request information from him directly via SMS. And we do not see that you created a unit with this ID
Larson ashe position is perfect with sms and google. i try all, nothing work as previous server and port. for the id,i try all too, with imei 15, 11+0 before Xexun or tk102, 103-2 i don’t know…
ashe Larson Hello! You can see if the device is connected and if there were errors after connecting in the Toolbox (section logs)
Larson ashe Nothing in log Question, Tracker is a Xexun TK 103-2 from ali, i think it’s not original one. Imei is 013227006805554 , so i paste it like that 027006805554 right ? I use Xexun TK103-2 or only Xexun with 12 digit (add 0 before)
ashe Larson Hello! This is correct for 12 digits, but if the tracker is not original, then perhaps it works according to a protocol where 15 digits are required and corresponds to a different type of device. Try all types of devices with different options and id from here If a connection log message appears in the Toolbox, then the type of tracker is probably selected correctly. However, if there is further a message about disconnection due to an error, then you can see why the data is not recognized.
Larson ashe On with IP and port 20462, my tracker is online like a Xexun TK103-2 On previous serverit was working with 15 digit + phone number. Ok, going to try again with other hardware.
ashe Larson Hello! Try to determine your tracker again at if it is defined there now, then create a unit with this type and a 12-digit IMEI. Set up the tracker and open the toolbox. After that, send us a screenshot, if it is possible
ashe Larson Hello! At the moment, have you connected the tracker to the server and unit port? What is the ID in the unit’s settings (15 or 12 digits) right now?
Larson ashe Yes i send adminip to port 32329 with xexun tk 103-2 with 12 digits
Larson Yes i send adminip to port 32329 with xexun tk 103-2 with 12 digits
ashe Larson Hello! We changed your ID to 15 digits per unit, since your tracker sends 15 digits. You can see the unit settings. Try turning on the tracker now and see the data in the Toolbox. If possible, you can send us a screenshot.