digiutama hi, i can not access gps trace either with browser or through mobile application. Please info what happen. Massage “Application is not available to you. Please contact to your telematics Service Provider.” Need help, thank you
ashe Hello! Thank you for notifying us of a problem. At the moment, it must be resolved. If there is any problem, we will be grateful if you inform us again.
ashe digiutama Hello! I checked all the links to the application here https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/418-android-version-in-google-play-unavailable-03-02-2020/8 Right now they all work. Do you have a problem with downloading the file?
serega36133 ashe Приложение загрузилось нормально. Я не мог зайти в свою учетную запись. Было сообщение «Приложение не доступно для вас. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вашим поставщиком телематических услуг ».
ashe serega36133 Hello! Thank you for notifying us of a problem. At the moment, it must be resolved. The problem was related to ongoing updates. If there is any problem, we will be grateful if you inform us again.
JaphethOmosa Hi I have a problem downloading the app it’s unavailable for almost two weeks now what’s the problem or is it deleted from playstore permanently?
chol JaphethOmosa https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/418-android-version-in-google-play-unavailable-03-02-2020
ashe ApriHaganta Hello! You can read about it and download the app here https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/418-android-version-in-google-play-unavailable-03-02-2020. There is information in different languages.