when it works LK720 ?
Try use Xeelechctech LK106 in Legacy GPS Trace device
Hi. Got a Lk720 (or cj720) witch is shown up at wialon as Rilla G19 on port 20275.
In the new GpsTrace is shown but offline. Apn set, also gprs on, adminip also confirmed. What did i wrong? thanks
id: 7201013176
Xeelechctech LK106? there is no such device in the list in the new version. What should be written in the ID position? telephone number or device ID?
I still can’t configure the LK720 device. I entered the ID number, device category: Legacy, Device type: Xeelectech LK106, unfortunately it still doesn’t show the position. What am I still doing wrong?
LK720 работает! Устанавливайте в настройках Xeelechctech LK106, правильно ставьте adminip123456 , проверяйте поменялись ли ваши настройки командой “(s42,1234)”
- Edited
If this is an analog, try also setting up the unit on the Xeelectech LK106
I have followed the instructions given by the community.
I created the profile on the platform for Xeelectech LK106 and it doesn’t work.
- APN user
- APN password
- IP address and port.
- Sufficient balance available on the simcard.
- Data available for GPRS.
Unfortunately it does not report data to the platform, what can it be?
Some help?
Greetings and thanks.
GFP Hello!
First of all, see if the connection of your device to the Toolbox is fixed (unit menu - Tools - Toolbox - log section).
If yes, then you can see the reason for the shutdown or error.
If not, then try to watch the settings of the tracker for data transfer, check that they are turned on and that the frequency of data transfer is configured (for some trackers this needs to be done separately).
GFP amigo podrias ayudarme e ver mi gps ? no puedo hacer que se conecte necesito de su ayuda.
anibalceda Como sigue el problema?
GFP aun no puedo hacer que funcione
Ha seguido exactamente las indicaciones anteriores de configuración?
GFP amigo ya pude conectar mi dispositivo , solo que tube que cambiar lde chip y compañia.
funciona de mil maravillas.