terrazalupita hola alguien sabe si el rastreador accuratte parecido al gto6 puede darse de alta en la plataforma ornge y si se puede alguien puede indicarme los pasos a configurar y q modelo seria en la plataforma
ashe Hello! For trackers ACCURATE GT06 can be used type YuLongDa GT06, Secumore G200. For other GT06 trackers, try using the options described here https://forum.gps-trace.com/d/340-how-to-connect-trackers-of-types-gt06-gt06n-gt02-gt02a-tk110-and-etc
rost Hello, RamonGalvan , We, unfortunately, do not have such driver. For this information, it is better to contact the dealer or the manufacturer of the device directly, most likely they can help.