I own a TK206 OBDII (blue) tracker.
I read your comments. I tried the following settings:
Since I did not find this device in the list, I set the TK103 instead.
Answer for “begin123456”: “begin ok”
I tried the card over the phone. You do not need to enter a USER name or PASSWORD in the APN settings. I had an internet connection with APN = net settings, so I sent the following command:
“apn123456 net” replies “apn ok!”
I set the time zone.
“time zone123456 0” replies “time zone ok!”
I set up the server host.
“adminip123456 12741.flespi.gw 32329” Answer “Hostname set ok HOST: 12741.flespi.gw PORT: 32329″
I also set the refresh rate.
No response for “t030s005n123456″. I also tried other formats
“t030s *** n123456″
None received a response.
I also tried the following commands:
“GPRS123456” response “gprs ok!”
“tracker123456″ replies “tracker ok!”
I read somewhere that the first 4 characters of the IMEI number sequence need to be replaced with 0. I did that too.
Unfortunately, there is no change on the website. Help me, what did I mess up?
“smslink123456” response is a link on maps.google.com where I can find the location of the vehicle.
Thank you in advance for your help