Здравствуйте. Не могу настроить трекер на рухавик. Прописываю ip , порт через смс , ответ ОК, но соединение не происходит. Прошу помощи

  • kula replied to this.

    Dear Slivechkin

    We have replied to you by email, and we will also duplicate our response here:

    As we can see, your device has not sent messages since 09/11/2023
    This can be seen in the Toolbox of the object. – https://gps-trace.com/en/help/ruhavik/unit-tools

    Since our system only works based on the data that the tracker sends, first of all check on the tracker’s side:

    1. SIM card balance and traffic limits on it
    2. Data sending intervals and tracker operation mode
    3. The tracker may have gone into sleep mode, or an error occurred in some settings.
    4. APN settings (must be checked with the mobile provider)

    To set up a tracker, it is best to contact the manufacturer or seller of the device.
    You can also find information about the settings in the instructions for the device.

    If you can’t find the problem, send us a screenshot with the device configuration (SMS commands and device responses to them), we will try to check further.

    2 months later

    Not show charging of battery
    Status on screen WEB or APP
    счёт.проб. A: 401.148 км
    Скорость: 0 км/ч
    Заряд батареи: 0 %
    toolbox packet:
    {“alarm”:0,“alarm_status”:0,“channel.id”:14433,“device.id”:5390483,“device.name”:“My Queclink GL200”,“device.type.id”:172,“din”:0,“gsm”:4,“ident”:“867946050760400:22060”,“protocol.id”:39,“server.timestamp”:1707989731.097302,“timestamp”:1707989730,“voltage”:3}
    {“acc”:0,“alarm_status”:0,“cell_id1”:11555,“channel.id”:14432,“data_mode”:0,“device.id”:5390483,“device.name”:“My Queclink GL200”,“device.type.id”:172,“din”:0,“gps_real_up”:0,“ident”:“867946050760400:22060”,“lac1”:14757,“mcc1″:250,“mnc1″:99,“position.altitude”:0,“position.direction”:179,“position.latitude”:60.023623,“position.longitude”:30.319658,“position.satellites”:13,“position.speed”:6,“protocol.id”:39,“serial”:491,“server.timestamp”:1707980403.903158,“timestamp”:1707980401}

    • kuta replied to this.

      Dear etg
      Our application works based on data from your tracker. In order for the current battery charge level to be displayed in the unit card, it is necessary for the data tracker to send a parameter to the system. Moreover, as far as we can see, this parameter was last entered into the system in December 2023.

      In this regard, we recommend that you check the battery charge in the tracker directly. In addition, check the tracker settings; perhaps they have gone wrong and the tracker has stopped sending these parameters to our system for some reason.
      As soon as the tracker starts sending a parameter about the battery level, you will be able to see it in the unit card.

      If you cannot find problem, please write to us at support@gps-trace.com with the login, unit ID, screenshot of device configuration (SMS commands and device’s answers), describe your issue in more detail and link to this topic, then we will try to check additionally and help you.

      “voltage”:3} – pls check the packet from tracker via TOOLBOX in my previous message
      it not described in protocol, but i test charge level on battery directly and made this table for your programmers
      voltage 6:100%,≥4V
      voltage 5:80%,≥3.8V
      voltage 4:55%,≥3.7V
      voltage 3:30%,≥3.6V
      voltage 2:10%,≥3.5V
      voltage 1:5%,≥3.45V

      • kuta replied to this.

        Dear etg,
        We have given you the answer to your question in a email.
        We cannot use information that is not confirmed by the manufacturer to operate our platform. Only protocols and data provided by the manufacturer are used to operate the system.

        We have recorded a request for integration of trackers from the manufacturer Wanway and will work in this direction. We hope we can do it.

        2 months later

        Cześć. Mam ruhavik i mam wykupiona subskrypcję ale teraz nie przychodzą mi powiadomienia ktore przychodzily mi wcześniej i wyświetlały się na górnym pasku w telefonie, jak to ustawić żeby było jak wcześniej 🤔

        • kula replied to this.

          Dear MagdaGk,

          We’ve identified that some Android users may have encountered push notification issues. A new version of Ruhavik 1.19.6 will be released shortly to address this issue.
          We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.