vashal Большая просьба перед закрытием старого GPS-Trace, предоставить API на новый. В противном случае придется переходить на другие платформы…
kuko We are currently use API based on MQTT. At the moment, it is unstable, cause we make improvements every day. In what projects and volumes do you use the current orange API? Describe in more detail.
yerm vashal Unfortunately, nowadays our API is private that’s why you cannot use it. If you have many GT06 devices and you want use API then you can buy wialon and use wialon API. In other cases you can use flespi
SerggioSerggio I’m using a Joy’s S13 phone, as far as I see it is a “Legacy GPS Trace”. But what type of device to choose? I can’t use the service, because the GPS Trace Tag application being preinstalled on the phone has the IP address fixed and I can’t change it to 167 to identify the device.
vashal Я так понимаю, старую версию закрыли, а API так и не открыли? Печально… Придется уходить к конкурентам.