• Trackers
  • VT-10 wonde proud please allow this device for server (old date)

Wonde proud VT-10 sends GPS data with “old” date 2000 03 01

hi i know my device sends gps data correctly but date/time is wrong due to gps rollover which was made in april 2019.
i can’t find newest firmware because wonde produd will not fix this but many different gps-servers allow to enter for VT-10 with that “old” date. Those servers just add anought “days” for incoming message from vt-10 (and any other devices with same issue)
i tested settings for vt-10 and legacy

my device ID is: 2501581941
this is data what my vt-10 sends:

[hw2.trace] 2000/03/01 13:31:38:343: [INF:5E3D1700] GPRS MSG(Wonde Proud VT-10): ID: 2501581941, IP: , MSG: TIME: 20:31:36, LAT: 53.72496, LON: 20.472276, SPEED: 4, SATS: 4

this looks ok, ONLY date is from 2000year so, please could you allow my device to connect to server ?
i just need maybe limited options, for track history i can go to year 2000 or could you set server to add enough days to message from vt-10 what will also fix this small problem.

for sure there is no problem with vt-10 devices, all of them sending messages correctly with correct location data, speed and time ONLY data is from 2000year not 2019.

If somebody need it, this is last known firmware from Factory Wonde-proud for VT-10

This helps my old vt-10 to send correct version of gps location message for gps trace server before april 2019 rollover:



  • chol replied to this.
    5 days later

    Unfortunately, such improvements are not planned on the platform FLESPI.

    You just can’t approve messages with old date from 2000 year ? It will only require to select this year if somebody needs history of his trips other functions are same because gps data with coordination are correct.
    Could you just for testing allow messages from my vt10, please ?

    • kial replied to this.
      a month later

      psgpol , please check again, we’ve added a gps rollover fix on the flespi platform side

      Não consigo acertar a data …sempre está com um dia a frente… como posso acertar isso ?

      • kial replied to this.

        fusca50, please write the device model and its serial number/imei

        14 days later
        2 years later

        boa tarde alguem me pode ajudar, necessito do software para poder programar o VT-10

        good afternoon, can someone help me, I need the software to be able to program the VT-10

        this is firmware for vt-10, it will change segmentation of data container what vt-10 sends to server what is necessary for trace server to transform received data and show correct position in application. This firmware is still “old” and not change time in received from satellite data (vt-10 believe it’s again year 2000) but because our GPS-Trace host are well prepared so that data will be processed.
        My vt-10 had before version 2.032 and it was useless because of bad data but after reflash to ver 2.043 device is usable again
        this is a link: https://www93.zippyshare.com/v/nXkF0Xc9/file.html

        • rost replied to this.

          Hello, psgpol ,

          Many thanks for sharing such useful information!
          We hope this information will help users in configuring the device’s firmware.