При вьезде в Чехии пропал трекер в приложении. Настройки не менял. Сам трекер работает. На смс отвечяет. Позиционирование по смс работает. Деньги на счету есть. Кто может подсказать в чем проблема?
Трекер в Чехии
- Edited
Dear OlegPantea123,
We have responded to your email, please check your inbox.
Duplicate the answer here:
"The system is working on the basis of the data from your tracker.
We want to assure you that the system worked correctly. If you mean the account with which you write, it seems that upon crossing the border, data transmission has stopped and your last message from your unit was sent on 02/02/2023. You can see this for yourself in the unit’s Toolbox. – https://gps-trace.com/en/help/ruhavik/toolbox.
In this case, first of all, check on the tracker side:
SIM card balance and traffic limits on it
Data sending intervals and tracker operation mode
It’s a common problems when devices cross a border the mobile network is not changing or the mobile provider(of the tracker’s sim card) is not supported in this country.
Therefore, we recommend that you double-check your Internet traffic limits and APN settings