andrea Hello. You migrated to the new platform a mobile device I used with old app on iPhone. Since migration, the device went off-line. How I have to change configuration on iphone? What app have I to use now? (probably I didn’t read old message, but I didn’t found). Thanks.
andrea So wiatag isn’t supported now? Here: I was redirect here, where I found wiatag: In the settings of my device, I found software -> then Wiatag. It doesn’t work! why?
amal On the map, add new unit, software, WiaTag Name = your-name ID = your-id Password = your-pass Open WiaTag app Click small text login with userid. Enter your-name / your-pass from the map above Click setting, enter host:port, your-id
andrea amal Thanks for your guide. @kuko Ok. Wiatag still works with new platform. Probably you have to correct info diplayed on platform. I see my speed was 65535 while I’m stationary!!!