Hi, i don’t get push notifications to my phone. I can see notifications in the app, but if app is closed there is no sound no vibration, nothing. I think all my settings are correct. That problem it could be? Reinstalling app doesn’t help.

In Ruhavik app all notifications is turned on. I can see notifications in notification section of Ruhavik app. In my phone setting, ruhavik app notifications is allowed (allow sound and vibration). Ruhavik app is not in the list of sleeping apps. Samsung galaxy s23.

I suppose I should get notifications even if app is closed? Or it is designed this way?

  • kula replied to this.

    Dear RobertasMaeika,

    At the moment, there are no problems on our platform with notifications. Often such problems depend only on the settings of the smartphone.
    Please write to us by email support@gps-trace.com and send us your login, we will check in more detail and try to help.
    Also please write a link to this topic in your email request, so that we can understand that this is you.

    We will wait for your reply.

    Exactly the same thing happened to me with the last Update. I received notifications in the app but my phone didn’t ring. I solved it by installing the previous version

    • kula replied to this.

      Dear BorisSepulveda,

      Please write to us by email support@gps-trace.com and send us your login, model of your smartphone, as well as the version of your operating system (Android or iOS).
      We will check in more detail and try to help.
      Also please write a link to this topic in your email request, so that we can understand that this is you.

      We will wait for your reply.

      Dear RobertasMaeika,

      We’ve identified that some Android users may have encountered push notification issues.
      A new version of Ruhavik 1.19.6 will be released shortly to address this issue.

      We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

      12 days later
      4 months later

      Me está ocurriendo exactamente lo mismo con un samsung s23, tengo todas las notificaciones activas y no me salta ninguna notificación al móvil, solo cuando tengo abierta la aplicación, he cerrado sesión y he vuelto a abrir, he desinstalado y vuelto a instalar y nada, que solución hay?

      • kula replied to this.