Dear users,

Today, on the 27th of March, from 15:00 (UTC = 0) some users using the legacy device type may experience issues related to receiving data from their devices due to unexpected maintenance works.
Specialists are already working on resolving the problem.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Rest assured, as soon as the issue is resolved, we will provide an update in this notification thread.

Thank you for your understanding.

    Dear users,

    Issue is resolved.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    kula stickied the discussion .
    kula changed the title to 27-28/03/2024 [RESOLVED] Unexpected maintenance works ❗❗❗ .

    Dear users,

    From 23:20 on 27th of March to 4:30 on 28th of March (UTC = 0), due to unexpected maintenance works, some users using the legacy device type may have problems receiving data from devices.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    14 days later

    boa noite, não estou encontrando mais na opção de dispositicos o modelo de rastreador ST-901 na categoria legacy, ele foi substituido por qual agora?

    • kula replied to this.

      Dear EmersonDronesVdeosAreos,

      Try to use Sinotrack ST-901 device type.

      If you have any further inquiries, feel free to reach out to us.

      5 days later

      Dzień dobry. czy po tych pracach konserwacyjnych wystąpił problem z powiadomieniami, jeszcze wzeszłym tygodniu normalnie dostawałam powiadomienia push na telefon i fajnie sie to wyświetlało na telefonie teraz mimo takich samych ustawień info mam tylko w aplikacji i to musze jeszcze w nią wejść, jaka jest tego przyczyna opłacam subskrypcje i wszystko poustawiane jest dobrze czy to problem ze strony ruhavik czy jak ?

      • kula replied to this.

        Dear MagdaGk,

        We’ve identified that some Android users may have encountered push notification issues. A new version of Ruhavik 1.19.6 will be released shortly to address this issue.
        We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

        rost unstickied the discussion .