Please configure tracker to debug on and write time connection.

From 13.11.2019 18:30MSK to 10:40 14.11.19

  • chol replied to this.

    There is data, we are fix later.

    Что исправили? нет информации от трекера.

    • chol replied to this.

      а тут есть сразу!

      In the process of fix.

      Well done (tracker GL100 online)
      Settings port 32008

      4 years later


      I have a GL505 gps tracker.

      Which GPS program should I use for the GL505 on my iPhone?
      Getposition or GpsGate or GPSWOX?
      Which is the best and easiest?

      Does the GL505 require a mobile internet to operate? Or will it work with a SIM card that doesn’t have a SIM lock?


      Does Queclink have an official support page? Support email? I didn’t find it!

      • kuta replied to this.

        Unfortunately, we were also unable to find their technical support contacts. It might make sense to contact their other email addresses with a question about where to go for technical support.