hi, i bought an TELTONIKA FMB140 , the kit is also composed by 3 BLE movement beacons by ELA INNOVATION.
i intend to use it by your server and mobile app, of course before paying an montly or yearly subscription i need to be over sure on correct functioning of the system.
The primary function of the system should be:
- receive push notification when sensors are moved
- receive push notification in general
- control by app the digital Outputs (DOUT1&2) provided by FMB140 in order to play the camper’s HORN and to perform immobilizer function acting on a relè
- in general to use all the function providend by your setbox tool that seems to be perfect for us.
I represent a 120 people group campers owners who are intentionend to do the same following my test.
As soon as I started to do the first tests I ran into this crippling problem:
As in the image attached the “reading” phase does never stop , even if i whait a lot….of course any attempt to send a change command is useless.
This is the frist important issue to resolve in order to get the system functioning so please help me!
my device’s emei is: 354018110987991
thk you in advance!