Alguém sabe em qual dispositivel eu consigo configurar na porta para dar certo ? Porque não estou encontrando g900 na plataforma.

  • ashe replied to this.

    Hello, maybe do you have a protocol of this tracker? Or can you get the protocol from it’s manufacturer?

    Olá, talvez você tenha um protocolo deste rastreador? Ou você pode obter o protocolo de seu fabricante?

    wagnermoreira Hello!
    Please try to use all possible settings listed here

    If it doesn’t help then please try to identify your tracker on as one of the devices Xexun, Coban, Concox
    If your tracker is determined, take a screenshot, write down the name of the model of the tracker and the identified ID (may coincide with the IMEI, may be part of it with zero or without).
    After that, return to the application in the unit settings (unit menu - Settings - Common Settings), specify the determined model and ID. After that, configure the tracker on the defined server and port.
    Regarding the server, you can also read more information here

    If the tracker is not detected, then try to clarify which protocol it works with the seller or the manufacturer of the tracker.
    Perhaps it is analogous to one of the supported devices.