GFP When you try to create a unit on the platform, an error is generated. I appreciate your help in this regard TypeError(“init()mising 3 required positional arguments:‘tsp_cid’,‘protocol_id’,and ‘channel_id”’
philjcarter Hi, try selecting the following device - Concox GT06E. and ensure you are including the device imei number,,,, had a similar issue and was one digit out.
GFP Hello and thanks for answering. I have reviewed the suggested suggestion and the problem continues. The imei is 15 digits and is correct.
GFP The problem was caused by the platform, and was corrected by the administrator. The unit is already working.
niki как написать администратору, чтобы он включил в список sinoTrak ST-901 не могу никак настроить этот трекер.
niki как написать администратору? и куда?? это устройство sinoTrak ST-901 не могу никак настроить этот трекер
serega36133 niki для st-901подходит Тип трекера: GoSafe G91I 8030000 internet (задать точку доступа) 8040000 20490 (задать ip адрес сервера и порт)