I’ve 3 units in my account I noticed that problem at all of them
that when I drive 100 km for example it shows only 40 or 50 km only that happens especially when I make a 2 ways trip, but in general it counts a distance less that the actual.

  • ashe replied to this.

    sherif_hafez75 Hello!
    Could you provide more detailed information about the problem you encountered?
    Is incorrect mileage shown on tracks or trips?
    Is your entire trip or track displayed? Is it possible that some of the data was not received and only a part of your real trip or track is reflected?
    Please write us your username, as well as the IMEI (ID) of the trackers with which you have a problem and your timezone.
    Please also indicate on what dates and times of trips or tracks when, in your opinion, the mileage is calculated incorrectly? What data is displayed and what should be? If possible, please attach screenshots.
    You can send the necessary information at support@gps-trace.com