Hello friends!
We carefully read your feedback and suggestions, which gives us an idea of what you are expecting to see in the new versions of Ruhavik and how they can be improved. Indeed, what we do - we do for you!
We’ve analyzed your recent suggestions and have concentrated on the most frequent ones. And now we are glad to share good news with you! And actually we have not only one but two!
So let’s go:
News № 1
1. We have expanded the functionality of the basic version and added the “Security Mode” function.
Now you do not need to constantly worry about leaving your car in an unknown place or in a place with a high risk of theft. By enabling this function in one click (“shield” icon in the Unit card), you will get notifications if your car suddenly moves more than approximately 100 meters from the last position it was in when you turned “Security mode” on .

2. We care about the needs of our users around the world, therefore you no longer have to convert kilometers to miles and vice versa - the app will do it for you!
For your convenience we have implemented the ability to choose a system of measures:
Metric (km, km/h, km2) and Imperial (miles, mp/h, ha)
This is available in User Settings - Settings - Common - Measure.

And now it’s time for our main News № 2
We are pleased to announce the release of the Premium version of Ruhavik * with extended functionality starting from September 24!
As we can see according to your requests the functionality of the basic version of the application is not enough for some of you, that is why we created the Premium version, in which we implemented the following features for you:
1. Previously you could only create geofences in the form of a circle or a rectangle? Now you can create geofences in the form of polygons and use up to 20 points to create them! The number of geofences remains the same (15) and you can still view it in Dashboard - Info - Geofences.

2. Get notifications wherever it is convenient for you!
Now you can additionally configure sending notifications to:
• Telegram
• Email
• Webhook
The function is available in the User Settings - Settings - Types of notifications.

3. But that’s not all: you can customize the sending of specific types of notifications for different sources. For example, a notification about entering/leaving a geofence can now be received by email and meanwhile an Alarm Event notification - via Telegram!
The feature is also available for the Mobile Push notification type.
4. For those of you who lacked the previous storage capacity, we have increased the storage volume from 50 mb to 100 mb for each created unit!

Analyze, compare the features and make your choice!
And we look forward to hearing from you.
Our nearest plans include developing the “Security Mode” function as well as working on the development of sending commands to the tracker. Write to us what you think about it, what ideas you have, and also what other functions you would like to see in our future developments.
Thank you for being with us! Let’s stay in touch!
*You can find out the price and subscribe to the Premium version in your account in the User Settings - Subscription Management.
At the moment you can subscribe to the Premium version via the Android platform and it will be valid when using your account on all your other devices.
At the moment the Premium version might not be available in all regions in accordance with the Google Play rules because the translations are not fully implemented in the application, and so we ask you to participate in translation of the Ruhavik application to make the new version accessible to our users anywhere in the world!