Hello, I come to ask for support. I have two devices that I bought many years ago. I’ve been using Orange for a long time, and I’ve never had a problem. One of the devices is working, but it displays a warning that it is no longer supported and I need to modify it. I haven’t done it yet for fear of stopping it. The second was saved and installed today. However, I was unable to configure it because COBAN GPS103B is no longer supported. It goes online but does not track with the parameters of its similar XEXUM TK103-2. can you help me?
My previously working configuration:
I already tested communication at Wialon Id Check
I’ve tried these solutions below and they didn’t solve my problem:
time zone 0
change tcp / udp
ports: 26731, 21931, 28961, 32329, 21583, 20558
ip: and
protocols: XEXUN tk102, 103, 102-2 and 103-3