MerNion Hello, why some messages are orange/amber and some white? The orange/amber ones have difference in the time between “timestamp” and the “server.timestamp”. Why is this difference? Thanks
MerNion Maybe the white messages are the heartbeat messages from the device and the orange are the position reports every 3 mins that I have set? Then why the heartbeat messages have correct time and position messages have 2 hours difference?
MerNion Sorry for my own replies, I tried GMT,e,0,0# and now the time is correct. Apparently even though I am in the Eastern European time zone, it need the 0 timezone for some reason…
ashe MerNion Hello! In the toolbox, the timestamp is the time recorded by the tracker, server.timestamp is the time when the message arrived on the server. Messages are highlighted in different colors as the difference between the two values increases. This can happen when the timezone is incorrectly configured, as well as when the tracker collects data in a black box and then sends it out in batches after a while. For all users, the correct setting for timezone is 0 (UTC). Your current time zone for the application is taken from the settings of your mobile phone or the computer on which you run the application.