Dear users!
We hasten to share great news!!!
In the new version 0.16.5 of the GPS-Trace application for Android, the data storage period for each unit will depend on the data size (maximum size is 50 MB and maximum data storage period is 1 year).
Now for many users, the data storage period will increase))).
There are two ways to view information about the current size of an unit’s data and their storage period:
Open detailed information about the unit by clicking on the date and time under the name of the unit

Open Common settings in the unit menu (menu - Settings - Common settings)

We also want to please you with other updates (maybe some users have already met them by installing a new version):
Two new features appeared in the User settings menu: “Change User” and “Sessions”.
If everything is obvious with the first function 🙂, then the second one -“Sessions” will help you control which devices you logged into the application from, but did not logout. If necessary now you can remotely terminate the session with the application from your account on some device.

The Location function has been updated.
Now you can not only create a link, but also share the address, coordinates or open the location in Google or Yandex maps, by clicking on the Current Location menu